September 20, 2021

What a Scuba Diver Looks Like on Sonar: MEGA Side Imaging and MEGA 360 Imaging

Have you ever wondered what a scuba diver looks like on different sonar technologies?

We met up with our friends at Wired2Fish to showcase what a scuba diver would look like underwater on Humminbird MEGA Side Imaging and MEGA 360. In a previous video about how to read different sonar technologies, we received a lot of comments of folks asking what the diver would like on the sonar.


This time around, we did just that. We sent our Wired2Fish crew member, Kyle down to the depths where he stood vertically near the bottom of the lake while we made a few passes by to see what the results were on Side Imaging. Thanks to the detail of MEGA Side Imaging, we could clearly see his legs, arms, head, flippers, and even his camera. The reaction from the crew was priceless.

scuba diver on mega side imaging

We then took to the bow to see what the diver would look like on MEGA 360 Imaging. We hit Spot-Lock to hold the boat in place and sent Kyle back down beneath the surface.

This time, as we sat stationary off of a rock-littered drop-off, Kyle and the bubbles from his tank stood out like a sore thumb on our bow-mounted Humminbird SOLIX unit. The sonar shadow clearly showed his body, extremities, and ScubaPro fins. Mission accomplished.

scuba diver on mega 360 imaging

This exercise while fun, clearly displayed the clarity of MEGA Imaging and the use of the technologies.